Monday, March 7, 2011

Good walls.....

If Robert Frost only knew. An existing wall makes this new garden look much older than it's two years. These 'Indian Block' walls were common in the US a hundred years ago but are hardly recreated today. To repair this wall I located a company that still makes these concrete molded blocks, albeit in a different size, and had them shipped down. The mason was a little perplexed but the end result is as it should be; retain and replicate materials whenever possible.


  1. Any idea why they call them "Indian blocks"?

  2. No idea what so ever. It might simply be a local or Florida moniker. There are only two companies that I could find that still produce these blocks. But no where do those companies use the term 'Indian Block'. The proper term is 'Rusticated Face' block.

  3. I like "Indian Block" (however un-p.c.).


About Me

I am a landscape designer based in Key West, Florida and Surry, Maine. I place much attention with the house, not as an adjunct to the garden but as an integral element. This symbiotic relationship will always produce the best and most natural environment. The best description for my views on the relationship between the garden and the house comes from the naturalist Charles Keeler, “landscape design with occasional rooms in case of rain”